What introverts need to be happy at work
If you need a lot of time alone to recharge, you might be an introvert. Introverts get energy and motivation from within (“intro” in Latin means “inwardly”), unlike extraverts who get their energy and motivation from other people (“extra” in Latin means “outside”).
Introversion and extraversion are determined by differences in how the brain processes stimulation. You can’t tell by looking at someone whether they are introverted or extraverted, and these preferences tell us nothing about how well someone performs a task. Introverts can be highly skilled at jobs that require extraversion; the important considerations are the frequency and length of the task requirements and whether there is sufficient time to re-energize.
People who are balanced between introversion and extraversion are ambiverts. Ambiverts are flexible about how they gain energy because their preferences are not strong in either direction. No one is a pure introvert or a pure extravert, but the stronger your preference, the more important it is to understand it so that you can make decisions that work well for you. In the career arena, here are some workplace environment characteristics that are a good fit for introverts:
Time alone
After social interactions, introverts need time alone to regain energy. The path to misery for an introvert is to be required to participate in conversations or other interactive activities for hour after hour with no break. On a positive note, remote work can be ideal for introverts if they have sufficient time between meetings.
Opportunity to reflect before responding
Introverts like to be well-prepared before responding to questions, so asking them to think on their feet is likely to be more stressful for them. Sometimes they stay quiet during brainstorming meetings, even when they have great ideas to contribute. They do well in workplaces that offer a variety of ways to make suggestions, not just yelling out ideas in a group.
Deep focus
Introverts are good at doing a deep dive into a subject. They are often persistent and systematic in investigation a topic in depth. Because they enjoy intense focusing, they appreciate environments that are free of distractions and interruptions.
Specialized expertise
Introverts feel more comfortable being an expert on a narrow range of things instead of scattering their effort across a broad spectrum of things.
Writing more than speaking
Many introverts prefer writing to speaking. When given a choice, they use email, text, platforms like Slack, or video with the camera turned off. If an introvert sends you a message, and you respond, “Let’s hop on a call,” an introvert may be annoyed. While most introverts prefer writing to speaking, when they do speak with others, they are often skilled listeners.
If you are curious about your level of introversion, 16Personalities offers a free assessment.
If you know an Introvert who would benefit from reading this article, please share it.
I first published this article on 2017-04-11 at VocationVillage.com. I updated this version.