Remote job search sites
In 2024, remote job search sites are thriving because job seekers want to work from home at the same time many employers are pushing for a return to the office or a hybrid work schedule.
Smart employers know that offering remote employment can be a top strategy to recruit and retain talent, and also a great way to manage costs. With good leadership, remote employment can also offer high productivity, collaboration, and collegiality … it just takes a bit more effort than on-site employment.
When you use these sites to search for a remote job, remember:
A specific job focus usually makes a candidate more marketable.
Finding a connection to refer you increases your odds of landing the job.
Employers want to know what you can contribute to their organization, not just that you prefer remote employment.
Some job search sites specialize exclusively in remote employment and some have a broader focus but allow you to search for remote jobs. Here is a list of websites where you can search for remote employment. I only linked the free ones. If you find that a linked site has switched to requiring a fee, please let me know so I can unlink it.
Remote job search sites
Free remote job search sites are linked. Fee-based ones are listed but not linked.
50 Best Freelance Programming Sites (fee-based)
FlexJobs (fee-based) (fee-based)
VirtualVocations (fee-based)
Workster (fee-based)
Job search sites if your goal is to leave the U.S.
European Employment Services (EURES) - Australia and New Zealand
If you know of other good free remote job search sites, please send suggestions to me. I promise to read and evaluate each submission, but I will not respond to inquiries asking me if I am going to add a site.
Good luck with your job search!
I first published this list of remote job search sites on 2023-03-26 at I continually update it.