College internship success story: Jessica Zaloom

In the mid 2000s, I wrote a series of college internship success stories describing how eight recent college graduates leveraged their college internships into full-time jobs. In 2024, I decided it would be fun to revisit these stories and see how the internships set the stage for their future career development. Much of their career advice is relevant for remote-first careers.

Jessica Zaloom: From Advertising Intern to Head of Corporate Communications and Public Relations

Jessica, what college did you attend?

Lehigh University

Where did you complete an internship?

DeVito/Verdi, a full-service advertising agency in New York City.

How did you find/land your internship?

I knew I wanted to land a job in the marketing/PR industry, as all of my internships during the school year were along these lines. After doing my research, and applying to a handful of strong, mid-sized agencies, I worked for DeVito/Verdi during the summer of my graduation, hoping that my hard work and work ethic would land me a full-time spot.

What type of work did you do during your internship?

During my internship, I learned a great deal from co-workers. I drafted news releases for the press, built relationships with clients, and learned how to make anything seem news-worthy.

These things would be necessary for completing my day-to-day tasks successfully and efficiently.

What was one significant thing you learned about working during your internship?

Not every day would be a walk in the park. Some days would be good days, while others would be extremely challenging. I learned not to let one bad day affect my entire week. It was important to learn from mistakes and do better next time. Also, I asked A LOT of questions. Even though I was afraid the questions may seem stupid, it was my way of learning even the smallest things. Sometimes people will assume you know something. But it never hurts to ask to make sure you understand.

How did your internship lead to a job offer?

After the summer was over, and the other (still in school) interns were finishing up their time here, I expressed my interest in staying with the company, permanently, if possible. I had been learning a lot and really enjoying my time here. It was by far the best internship experience I had yet, and I was not ready to leave it to start all over elsewhere. After all, I had graduated and was ready to work full time. After speaking with my boss, DeVito/Verdi hired me for a full-time position, and I have been extremely happy here since.

Any words of wisdom you would like to share with current college students?

It’s OK to not land your “dream job” right away. Be patient, work hard, and don’t lose sight of your goals.

Thank you, Jessica, for sharing your experience and advice.

Update in 2024:

Jessica Zaloom is now Head of Corporate Communications and Public Relations for WisdomTree, Inc.


College internship success story: Julia Dalton


College internship success story: Ansley Smith